Information overload!

In today's world we have so much access to so much information. And its stressful! Because of this it makes it really hard for us to stick to any one thing for any length of time.

This is particularly relevant to exercise and nutrition. There are thousands of fad diets, thousands of 6, 8 or 12 week challenges and don't get me wrong they have their place and they work for a lot of people, but are we actually learning from them and are we able to maintain a certain level to suit our lifestyle or is it adding another stress to our already super busy lives?

For me, I am certainly guilty of falling for an online quick fix... mainly because I am interested and I love to see the different theories out there and yes sometimes I need a kick up the butt too and need to get back on track with some new exercise and recipe ideas.

Having said that though, I also need to remember to be true to where I am at in my life and what works for me in the now. My weeks are never the same so meal planning for me does not work, nor does exercising the same days and times each week. I need to be flexible and open to opportunity and sometimes meals are last minute and on the fly. This doesn't mean I get takeaway, it means simplifying with out negotiating. And with exercise, fitting it in and prioritizing it (I write it in my diary like an important appointment), but also being ok with days that just don't go to plan.

What works for me and what works for you will always be different, however I know when I'm feeling good that its not that hard to stay on track, however when we are feeling crappy, its really easy to fall into the quick fix trap. Pick yourself back up, get back on track, don't beat yourself up about it and you don't have to stay there. Move forward

For me, exercise of some sort most days and eating simple nutritious varied meals works, the occasional treat or weekend off does not hurt. Also keeping in mind to always limit intake of alcohol, added sugars, nasty saturated and trans fats, and high salt foods are good guidelines to go by (actually they are part of the Australian Dietary Guidelines) 

Choose your information wisely, do your research, will it work for you, and can you maintain it?

Tonya xx



Tonya Dunne