We are busy Mum's
Recently I had the pleasure of sitting down for Tea with Lauriely Taylor, a candid chat really for her new website http://abeautifulubylauriely.com/ about busy Mum's, juggling work and life, and is there really a balance to be found or will we always be juggling?
I definitely juggle.... kids, school, dancing, swimming, housework, a small business as a Personal Trainer while building a business with Young Living (oh and I need to fit my own exercise in too) - all while trying to make sure I do spend time with my family. My social life might be as much as coffee with a friend or a camping trip away and I'll take as much of that as I can get. This is important down time, time to breath and relax (if the kids will let you) Friends are important in a town where our families are not always close.
So why does it happen that one day am I rushing around like a crazy woman and the next actually looking for jobs to do? And why can't I sit still and relax at these times? That would just be insane right? Surely there is something I should be doing! Oh yes, the windows, floors, kids rooms..... not today!
Is there a perfect balance, I think I am mostly just managing and coordinating the roller coaster that is life.
No complaints from me, well today anyway, ask me tomorrow and it might be a different story. Even while I write this the kids are hovering around wanting food and asking questions.... at the same time, I need to write my programs and cook dinner... oh and Miss 8 is off to dancing.....but I've got this!
Thanks for the tea Lauriely, it's nice to be assured that while all our lives are quite different, we all have similar struggles, juggles and experiences that bring us together as Mum's. We need to remind ourselves we don't have to be a super mum (all the time), we do need to make some time to stop, breathe and chat. Its really important to hop off the roller coaster every now and then and enjoy what we have.
Tonya xx