But what if I F.A.I.L?

F.A.I.L - First Attempt In Learning. This is my first attempt at a website.... definitely still learning

Its about turning a negative into a positive and not focusing on the fail but looking into what can be learnt from it instead. Yes, its hard sometimes, but it can better prepares us for success next time.

To have success, we have to take ACTION and find the motivation to reach our goals. However when taking action we place ourselves vulnerable to failure.... 'What if I get it wrong', 'what will people think', and so on. What we let play out in our heads can somehow influence what might be. Goodness that's getting a bit heavy!

Failure is all part of learning and growing and so much more these days (maybe I'm just older... and wiser ha ha) failure is not such a big deal for me anymore, its just about getting my mind back in gear, setting myself back on track and moving forward.

If we keep letting ourselves listen the mind chatter that says  "I am not worth it", "I'll fail, so I'm not going to even try", I'm not any good", then this can become us. Making conscious changes to the chatter in our heads can also determine our positive future selves. We can be GREAT! In fact we are GREAT!

So say it with me "I AM WORTH IT!" Go on I know you want to..... and nice and loud "I AM GOOD AT THIS.....", "I AM POWERFUL", I AM SUCCESSFUL" - these sayings can be whatever you want them to be, these mantras become your truth. 

When the negative thoughts creep back in, and they do all the time, consciously push them aside and replace it with a positive one. "I am so lucky to have 2 beautiful children" "I am thankful for my beautiful friends" "I live in a beautiful town" "My husband is wonderful" (most of the time ha ha), you get the gist.

The way you choose to think and speak about yourself (to yourself and to others), IS A CHOICE! You may have spent your whole life talking about yourself in a negative way, but that doesn't mean you have to continue that path. 

You can choose to change! Scary right? Too hard? Nope, it starts it in your head and slowly it will creep into your life. 

A very inspirational man spoke at FILEX fitness convention 2018 last week and one of the things I took from it was about being a victim and we all can be one at different times but it's how long you stay there that matters.

So go forth and risk failure..... 

Tonya xx

Tonya Dunne