I want to get fit!

"I want to get fit" I said to myself. "I need to get to get back to my pre-baby body.... and now please!"

Little did I know that no longer being in a physical job and getting into my later 30's it wasn't going to just happen by itself.

Crashing into a routine of sleepless nights and busy days with a new baby, bad eating habits played a regular role in my every day. Feeling like I couldn't get out of the house as often as I'd like, tiredness took over and the extra few kilos piled on. 

Taking the first step and on the recommendation of a friend, I contacted a local trainer. It then took me a couple of months to actually get the courage to show up to a class. Gyms had never been my thing, I had always lived a very active lifestyle and weight had never been an issue. This was all very new to me and I did not like the way I was feeling.

Here I met my new trainer, a crazy passionate woman with the motivation of an Iron woman and with in a few months whipped my butt back into gear, 8 kgs lighter I was in love. In love with outdoor fitness, in love with exercise, in love with a bunch of other crazy fun women (and some men too) doing and wanting the same things as me. Affordable outdoor fitness on a casual basis I could fit in around my new life as a full time FIT mum. Little did I know at the time this woman would progressively and positively change my life.

Starting A Fit Life was the hard part, committing to long term came with time as I slowly replaced the old bad habits with new healthier habits. Eating better, moving more and drinking less and less alcohol.

I want to grow old with a body that moves well, I try to fuel it with well with whole nutrient rich foods, move regularly in many different ways, as I know I feel better when I do. 

You may already have a goal in mind, it may be big, may be small, its now about making those courageous steps to show up to a session, the rest will fall into place as you start to prioritize exercise into your new FIT life and create new happy healthy habits. 

Tonya xx

Tonya Dunne